6 chic, dark-hued Halloween buys that look so good you won't need to take them down on November 1st

If you want to celebrate Halloween in a more subtle and stylish fashion, try these chic buys that can be displayed year-round

halloween ceramic pumpkins in ivory
(Image credit: McGee & Co. )

If you’re anything like me you love a good traditional holiday but, equally, you want to keep some decorum about the way you choose to style your space for the occasion. Halloween is one of those times of the year when all the seasonal decorations come out: carved pumpkins, bats, witch hats, and all the other generic items that, if that’s your thing, tick all the right boxes. 

However, not all of us are the biggest fans of these more gaudy displays. If you'd like to make use of some more stylish Halloween decor, you’ll be looking for accessories that align with the spooky aesthetic but are also chic enough to keep on display no matter the time of year. 

Despite all the high street shop windows and homeware landing pages telling us otherwise, you can totally dodge the carved pumpkins and the witches' hats this Halloween. Trust me, I’ve been doing it for years, and these are the top buys I’ll be going for this time round. 

Raluca Racasan
News writer

Raluca is Digital News Writer for Livingetc.com and passionate about all things interior and living beautifully. Coming from a background writing and styling shoots for fashion magazines such as Marie Claire Raluca’s love for design started at a very young age when her family’s favourite weekend activity was moving the furniture around the house ‘for fun’. Always happiest in creative environments in her spare time she loves designing mindful spaces and doing colour consultations. She finds the best inspiration in art, nature, and the way we live, and thinks that a home should serve our mental and emotional wellbeing as well as our lifestyle.