15 things that will make your home cozier for fall

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fall home decor, fall shopping,
Image Credit: Anneliese Henderson

Most Curated is a monthly series in which one editor, team member, or friend of Livingetc will share the top 15 items on their current wish list.

It's finally October (my birthday month and the all-around best month of the year if I do say so myself), so it's officially time to bring fall into my home. I'm not talking full-on festive vibes—you won't see any pumpkins or turkey prints over here—but I need something to give my home a little warmth. Cozy throw blankets, fall-scented candles, and new bedsheets are some small changes that make a big difference. Ready to see a few pieces that I'm eyeing for myself? Keep scrolling.

Anneliese Henderson
Senior Editor